Connotation, Denotation, Implication

Senin, 28 Maret 2016
Hay Hay Hay Readers!! Welcome back to my blog. Now, I wanna explain to you about connotation, denotation, and implication. 

                                    Lets Check It Out!!!

Denotation is the actual definition of the word.It's what you would read when you look the word up in the dictionary. 
Connotation is what we think about when we hear a word. it's what feeling we have when we hear it or read it. Happy? Sad? Excited?
Implication is something that is suggested without being said directly: something that is implied. For example(count): I resent that/your implication! Example of non count: He condemned the court and, by implication, the entire legal system.

1. Cheap
Denotation: low in cost
Connotation: poorly made, made with inferior ingredients or products.
2. "She is my baby."
Denotation: infant
Connnotation: girl friend

Words can have several meanings. The literal meanings, the denotation, are direct, realistic, and often found in the dictionary. What the word suggests or implies, the connotation, is symbolic, culturally constructed, and often influences the interpretation of poetry or literature. For example, the denotations of the word snake might be "reptile," "scaly," or "without legs." Connotations of the word, however, might include "treachery," "evil," or "betrayal." 

The connotation of a word can be positive, negative, or neutral. It can also be either cultural or personal. Here's an example: To most people the word cruise connotes--suggests--a delightful holiday; thus its cultural connotation is positive. If you get seasick, however, the word may connote only discomfort to you; your personal connotation is negative (Vocabulary by Doing, 2001).
Function of denotation: Readers are familiar with denotations are generally restricted meaning. Writers, therefore deviate from denotative meaning of word to create fresh ideas and images that add deeper level of meaning to common and ordinary word.
Implication(count): A possible future effector result-usually plural. Example: We must consider the long term implication of the new trade policies.(We must consider the effect the policies may have ain the future).
Implication(non count): The fact or state of being involved in or connected to something (such as a crime): the fact or state of being implicated in something. For example: He was shocked by the implication of his partner in the theft.

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Senin, 21 Maret 2016
Euphemism in semantics

According to Rawson, euphemisms are powerful linguistic tools that “are embedded so
deeply in our language that few of us, even those who pride themselves on being plainspoken,
ever get through a day without using them” (Linfoot-Ham, 2005, 228). The need for euphemism
is both social and emotional, as it allows discussion of taboo subjects (such as sex, personal
appearances or religion) and acts as a pressure valve whilst maintaining the appearance of civility (Linfoot-Ham, 2005).
A euphemism is a substitution of an agreeable or less offensive expression in place of one
that may offend or suggest something unpleasant to the receiver, or to make it less troublesome
for the speaker. The deployment of euphemisms is a central aspect within the public application
of political correctness. It may also substitute a description of something or someone to avoid
revealing secret, holy, or sacred names to the uninitiated, or to obscure the identity of the subject
of a conversation from potential eavesdroppers. Some euphemisms are intended
to amuse. The English word “euphemism” is found for the first time in a book written in 1656 by Thomas Blount, Glossographia [Burchfield 1985: 13]; it comes from Greek euphèmismos, which is itself derived from the adjective euphèmos, “of good omen” (from eu, ‘good’, and phèmi, ‘I say’). Etymologically speaking, a euphemism is linked to taboos, and traditionally consists in replacing the original signifier, perceived as being offensive or unpleasant, by another one; it is often referred to as a “veil” or a “shroud” thrown over the signified, as if to conceal it.

Types of Euphemisms

Within the definition of euphemism, there are many different sub-categories. Here are some of the different types of euphemisms:
  • Phonetic modification: We modify strong swear words or words that are not meant to be spoken lightly (i.e., God or Jesus) so that the new phonetic euphemism sounds very similar to the original, but just different enough so that it’s inoffensive. Modifications may take the case of shortening the word or expression (Jeez, What the); intentional mispronunciations (shoot, shut the front door, dang, fudge); or using an acronym or one letter to represent the curse word (WTF, B-word, A-hole).
  • Figures of speech: Many euphemisms come in the form of different figures of speech. These may be ambiguous statements (let’s do it, she’s a piece of work); metaphors (make the beast with two backs, a visit from the stork, kick the bucket); or other understatements or comparisons.
  • Slang: Plenty of slang terms come to stand for taboo words or expressions. Since slang can vary greatly from one region or country to the next, at times some expressions have very different euphemistic meanings. For example, in the USA, “pissed” means angry, whereas in the UK it means drunk.


Senin, 14 Maret 2016
Good day readers!! Welcome to my blog again! Now, I wanna explain to you about symbol and referent in Semantics. 

Lets, check it out!!

Semantics, also called semiotics, semology, or semasiology,  the philosophical and scientific study of meaning in natural and artificial language.In addition to compositionality, semantic theories must also account for the phenomenon of reference

Reference is a characteristic of many expressions whereby they seem to “reach out” into the world to pick out, name, designate, apply to, or denote different things. Although this appearance of connection between words and the world is familiar to anyone who speaks a language, it is also quite mysterious. The following survey will evaluate various semantic theories according to how well they explain compositionality, reference, and other important characteristics of natural languages.

According to a referential semantics, all that one learns when one learns the meaning of tomato is that it applies to tomatoes and to nothing else. One advantage of a referential semantics is that it respects compositionality: the meaning of red tomato is a function of the meanings of red and tomato, because red tomato will apply to anything that is both red and a tomato.

But what about expressions that apparently refer to nothing at all, such as unicorn? A referential semantics would appear to be committed to the view that expressions such as unicorn, Santa Claus, and Sherlock Holmes are meaningless.  

Symbol is an arbitrary pattern (usually a sound pattern in a language) that gets its meaning primarily from its mental association with other symbols and only secondarily from its correlation with environmentally relevant properties.

Now, what about a noun word in a human language? Let's say English `KITTY'? Isn't this just a kind of arbitrary index? Isn't KITTY just an index for the presence of a cat (just for English speakers of course)? In support, one might note that a small child and its mother would be likely to say KITTY in the presence of a cat (so there should be some correlation between the cat and the word KITTY). The sounds [kIDi] correlate partially with the presence of cat (so A predicts B). Doesn't that show that this is just an indexical sign like those above? Unfortunately no - even if its true that most early words for children are learned indexically (that is, by pointing to what they refer to). In general, however, it is very rare for the utterance of a word to correlate with the thing it refers to. Sometimes such a correlation exists, of course, buta word in any language is vastly more complex and sophisticated even for language-learning infants. Notice that:

  1. You and your baby will also freely use the word KITTY when a cat is NOT around (so the correlation between KITTY and the cat is a very weak). [If your dog knows the `word' TAKE-A-WALK, try just discussing taking a walk in earshot of the dog and see what happens! Dogs have no grasp of `Talking about taking-a-walk'. That's because take-a-walk is only an indexical sign for your dog, not a symbol as it is for you and your baby.]
  2. Many words in every language describe objects that noone has ever seen, like MONSTER, UNICORN, GHOST, DEVIL, etc. (so the possibility of a ny correlation is ruled out completely)! What percent of the time that you utter the word ROCKET or TRAIN, do you suppose there is a physical rocket or train present? My guess is 0% for ROCKET and about 1-3% train. If there is no correlation or an extremely weak one, then these words cannot be indices.
  3. On the other hand, any word has strong associations with other words that are `activated' whenever a word is heard or read. Thus KITTY activates words like CAT, FUR, BABY, PURR, PUPPY, PLAY, SAUCER, MILK, YARNBALL, CATFOOD, etc.
    By `activate', I mean that you are more likely to think of or utter these other words after hearing or saying KITTY. (There are many kinds of experimental evidence for this, plus intuition.) This suggests that KITTY may be somehow physically linked to these other words in the brain. It suggests that KITTY gets some of its meaning from the selective activation of just these particular words (and their associated emotional content) when the word KITTY is spoken.
    • Furthermore, many word meanings have associates that are component parts which are also words. Thus a KITTY has FEET, PAWS, WHISKERS, EARS, CLAWS, TONGUE, TEETH, TAIL, etc. A TREE has BRANCH, LEAF, PINECONE, FLOWER, ACORN, BARK, BIRDNEST, etc.
    • Many words are situated in a hierarchy of superordinate category words (that is, larger, inclusive categories) like CAT, PET, MAMMAL, ANIMAL, FELINE, FAMILY MEMBER, etc.
    • Many words have a hierarchy of subordinate category subtype words: MY KITTY, YOUR KITTY, STRIPED KITTY, TABBY, etc.
These word-word relationships (sometimes called word-associates) are critical for anchoring the meaning of a word without requiring any correlation in space and time between the signal (the sound of the word) and its meaning. Indices do not require any such set of relationships to work as signs. In summary, symbols like most words in a human language are (a) easily removable from their context, and (b) are closely associated with large sets of other words


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Senin, 07 Maret 2016

Haiii viewers!! How are you? Didoakan sehat selalu yaaa😊. Jangan bosan bosaan yaa. Kali ini saya hadir dengan membawa sukacita pastinya bagi kalian para pembaca yang setia menanti nantikan postingan saya berikutnya heheheh..

Well, let's start about my self again especially my motivation. Saya mau cerita sedikit nih tentang salah satu kalimat motivasi yang menjadi penyemangat saya menjalani hari hari. Ini dia kata katanya: "Jadilah garam dan jadilah terang bagi sesamamu." Garam yang di maksud di sini bukan garam dalam bumbu masakan yaa. But, garam di sini sebagai bumbu atau perasa bagi kehidupan orang lain. Bawa sukacita yang besar bagi sesama. Jgn monoton. Terang dimaksud di sini artinya terang yang selalu bersinar. Membawa orang lain ke arah yang lebih baik. Kalimat ini paling sering saya dengar di khotbah khotbah pendeta pada saat saya ibadah😇😇.

Kalimat ke-dua yang menjadi motivasi saya adalah kata-kata dari orangtua saya sebelum berangkat kuliah yaitu "Nang, ho do boru panggoaran dison. Ho do na mamboan hamoraon ni natorasmu. Burju-burju ma ho di sikkola." Kalau ingat kalimat ini, menetes air mata anakmu ini mak pak😢😢😢
Eh tapi sebelumnya maaf yee pake bahasa batak. Im batakness. Artinya itu baik-baik sekolah karena saya lah pembawa nama keluarga. Di tangan saya juga ada nama baik keluarga.
Siapa sih yang gak terharu jika orangtua mengatakan hal seperti itu kepada anaknya😂😂?? Ini nih yang buat saya selalu semangat menjalani hari baik di kampus maupun di luar lingkup kampus. Selalu ingat orangtua yang susah payah bekerja demi anaknya yang nakal ini hihi.

Nah apa ceman ceman punya motivasi yang membuat anda semangat untuk menjalani hari? Yuk bisa berbagi di sini yaa.. Semangat terus kawan!! Good luck 😀😀